Well written essays
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Resopnse To Revolution Essay example -- essays research papers
3 Steps to Acing Your Upcoming Group Interview You’ve been approached in for a board meet. Perhaps you’re threatened. Perhaps frightened. Possibly you’re not even sure you comprehend what that really involves. Whatever your degree of fear, here are three simple strides to traversing your board meet tranquilly and in one piece. Stage 1: BEFOREYou reserve the privilege to ask who will be on your board. Do this. At that point inquire about each board part as well as could be expected. You’ll have the option to make sense of a considerable amount and get ready better for what each may be generally quick to ask you. What does this specific gathering of individuals educate you regarding what the organization is attempting to assess?You can likewise ask to what extent (generally) the meeting should last. This will give you a nice sentiment for what amount to and fro conversation will be conceivable, how much space you’ll be given to pose inquiries, to what extent your answers can be, etc.Step 2: DURING Treat every individual on the board like an individual not simply one more anonymous face. This isn't an indifferent divider asking you inquiries. Every questioner on your board is another chance to make a human association and persuade that a lot more individuals in the organization what an extraordinary fit you would be.Be sure to observe everybody’s name as they are presented. Record every one if that causes you recall. When responding to questions, talk straightforwardly to the person who asked, yet then attempt to widen your answer out to cause the remainder of the board to feel remembered for the discussion.Step 3: AFTERYou’ve took in their names and put forth an attempt to interface with each board part presently thank every single one of them earnestly withâ solid eye to eye connection and a quality handshake. From that point forward, it’s the typical post-meet follow-up methodology. Be that as it may, recall that you have to keep in touch with one card to say thanks for each board part. It appears to be a torment, however it’s these little contacts that will help set you apart.The board talk with: 6 hints for previously, during, and after
Friday, August 21, 2020
Organisational Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Hierarchical Culture - Essay Example In human asset the executives, a great many people expect that individuals can be estimated on character and IQ tests, and processing the resultant arrangement of numbers to characterize these individuals. This is frequently not really, in light of the fact that proficiency isn't a financial idea, yet a political idea including cost, and nature of procedure time. Likewise a few people see wastefulness to be a transgression in present day terms, which is especially interestingly with the twentieth century productivity of the Nazis, for instance. The east neaden dietary office is controlled by a group of 6 medical caretakers, three dieticians and one specialist. There is additionally a specialist who is accessible 3 times each week and a clinical analyst who visits two times every week. (Marlow, Nigel). The sort of culture that existed in the east neasden dietory division before the change was one of recognition and well disposed laborer connections. This is apparent in the way that the staff called each other by their first names, and the specialists were called by their first names, with the exception of within the sight of patients. Anyway there was an adjustment in the hierarchical structure and this realized an adjustment in the way of life in East Neasden Dietary division. After the hierarchical change which was cultivated by utilizing the convenient hypothesis a... There are in fact, different explanations behind change. A few factors that can trigger change in an association, similar to rivalry and the should be monetarily reasonable or suitable. Allen, Madison, Porter, Renwick and Mayes noticed that authoritative governmental issues includes deliberate demonstrations of impact to improve or ensure the personal circumstance of gatherings, or people in a gathering (Allen, Madison, Porter, Renwick and Mayes 1979) In the Interflora case, there was a should be industrially feasible and sensible, subsequently the requirement for authoritative change, and the elements engaged with such a change. An Analysis of corporate sorts Corporate culture is the way to authoritative exhibition, and when adequately oversaw, can prompt an improvement in an organization's upper hand. Passing by Michael Maccoby's investigation of corporate sorts, there are four fundamental kinds of corporate character. These are the organization man, the Jungle Hunter, the expert, and the Gamesman. The organization man concedes to expert in the organization, while the wilderness tracker will in general be coercive in disposition, and endeavors to procure power inside the organization. For the skilled worker, his character is his art as an architect, bookkeeper, I.T. work force or other specialty. The gamesman works with a great deal of politicking and uses covertness and nuance to accomplish power. REFERENCES Allen, R. W., Madison, D. L., Porter, L. W., Renwick, P. A. furthermore, Mayes, B. T. (1979)Organizational legislative issues: Tactics and qualities of its entertainers. Californiamanagement survey Maccoby, Michael. (1976) Michael Maccoby's Analysis of Corporate Types Marlow, Nigel. East
Saturday, July 11, 2020
Tips For Writing Essay Samples
Tips For Writing Essay SamplesOne of the best things that you can do to create more original articles and thoughts is to write free essay samples. This can be a great way to create your own online business or to get some extra money from home.When you write free essay samples, it is important to consider what you are going to be using your essay samples for. Are you going to be giving them away as an e-book for example? Or are you going to be sharing them with a friend or colleague?If you are going to share the essay sample with a friend or colleague, then you need to find a source that has both digital and hard copy versions of the material. You should also remember that it is important to write well. If you don't, then you will be likely to lose out on some of the financial opportunities available through online writing. There are many resources out there to help you out, so it is important to find one that fits your needs.If you are going to be using your essay samples as a busine ss, then you are going to need to make sure that you have some sort of database of resources available to you. There are plenty of paid websites that offer a service to help you find these resources. However, if you are using your resource for profit, then you are going to need to take more time to find the most up to date resources. In the end, you are going to want to be able to offer the best service possible.Another option for finding a database of essay samples is to look for online websites that offer these services. You will find many of these types of sites online. You are not going to have to pay a lot to access the materials, which means that you will be able to save time and money. The best resource will give you a list of essays that have been previously written and offered for sale.One great resource for writing samples is the internet. You will find a huge database of resources on the internet and you will find many different things that you can write about.Whatever yo u choose to use, just make sure that you have the best resources for writing essay samples. You are going to want to make sure that you write well and that you use your skills in the best way possible. If you can accomplish this, then you will benefit tremendously from all of the great resources available online.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Nightfall Brings Panic - 584 Words
It seems that when night falls, the mind appears to go into a state of panic. Nighttime brings to mind many horror movies scenario. Well they do when you’re in the middle of nowhere, with a couple of friends and a machete. At least in my mind that’s what happened. A state of pure terror seems to sink in, and I believe the worst scenario that a random stranger is coming inside my tent and slaughtering me while I’m asleep. To begin with, when the day started, it seemed that the scenery was beautiful and peaceful. It appeared that the same place can have a different perspective at the drop of the sun. I had never gone camping; it always seemed like a fun thing to do with the right people. My friends wanted to celebrate my seniority and almost graduating, since they were in college themselves, and knew how important senior year of high school was. We were thinking of going on a road trip somewhere far from Fresno. We joked for a bit about going camping, and then it j ust seemed to happen. The whole ride there we all seemed happy with chatter, catching up on our gossip. In total we were three girls and two guys. Once we arrived I could smell the deep aura of pine and green woods. The trees were basked in sun, giving of a cool shade; the branches of the trees seemed to follow the movements of the silent breeze that passed. Birds seem to fly by slowly almost lazily, there chirping heard from a distant as they passed. As soon as that tent was up I went on a walk to go exploring.Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Mary Shelley s Frankenstein 1028 Words  | 5 Pagesthe father of the dead girl carries her lifeless body though the streets for all to see. The shock crowd stops its celebration, stunned and outraged over the death of Maria, and they demand justice from The Burgomaster (mayor) and local police. By nightfall, the angry mob has organized into torch carrying search parties to find the murderer. Frankenstein is determined to destroy the creature, and leads one of several groups looking for the monster, up the mountainous terrain. Frankenstein gets separatedRead MoreShort Story1470 Words  | 6 Pagesmore thing†announced Davis. â€Å" Whatever you do don’t go into any area East of Rhine, if you make it that far†. Joe curiously asked why. â€Å"Because I said so and if I found out any of you go, there you had better hope I get killed in combat or you bring me Hitler’s head on a silver platter,†aggressively yelled the now incandescent Davis. The date was was June 6, 1994 the biggest bloodbath of the war was happening and I was going straight into it. We had just been sent off the coast and were in aRead More Napoleon Bonaparte Essay2965 Words  | 12 Pageswandered miserably around the streets until he received an offer from Paul-Francois Barras, an aristocrat from southern France to prepare for the defense of the government; and Napoleon accepted it. Napoleon planned his strategy. 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He worked twenty hours a day and his men trained with live ammunition. His biggest problem was that he only had enough landing coast to open the attack to bring in eight divisions, while Rommel had more than fifty divisions. The Allies needed to surprise the enemy to succeed. Ike decided to attack south into Normandy rather than East toward Lalais, where the German forts and troop concentrations were strongestRead MoreConfucianism in Journey to the West31834 Words  | 128 PagesAlthough we humans have rare delicacies to eat, We are no happier than those monkeys in the mountains. The host of monkeys ushered the Handsome Monkey King to the seat of honour and sat down below him according to age. Each of them took it in turns to bring him wine, flowers, and fruit, and they drank hard for a whole day. The next morning the Handsome Monkey King got up early and ordered, Children, tear down some old pines and make me a raft. Find a bamboo pole to punt with and load it up with fruitRead MoreThe Ballad of the Sad Cafe46714 Words  | 187 Pagesswamp, the dragging of Miss Amelia through the streets of the town on the way to prison, the squabbles over what would happen to her property -- all told in hushed voices and repeated with some fresh and weird detail. It rained and women forgot to bring in the washing from the lines. One or two mortals, who were in debt to Miss Amelia, even put on Sunday clothes as though it were a holiday. People clustered together on the main street, talking and watching the store. It would be untrue to say thatRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pagesfrom relatives and village members around the world. These networks were often institutionalized as businesses, mutual aid organizations, and other associations that helped channel aid and exploit more migrants.52 These institutions also helped bring disparate networks together in broader ethnic, national, and diasporic identities. At the same time, these institutions and the elites that often dominated them were the mediators that linked migrants up to outside officials, transportation companies
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
When Good Corporate Social Responsibility Is Good Business
When Good Corporate Social Responsibility Is Good Business Andrew DeGirolamo Bridgewater State University Author Note This paper was prepared for COMM 353-W01 Corporate Communication and Social Responsibility taught by Professor Amantea during the Spring Semester of 2017. When Good Corporate Social Responsibility Is Good Business Introduction Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) can play a major role in a company’s financial situation. When a company invests in CSR, it can either bring additional costs to the company and hurt it financially or it can help the company and greatly improve its revenue. However, when studying this relationship between CSR and revenue, it is not a relationship that is easily analyzed. For†¦show more content†¦When utilized correctly, CSR is an investment with risk, but one worth taking. Calculating Corporate Social Performance Whether CSR costs a company money or earns them money can be a challenging topic to argue. There are many factors that are considered when assessing a company’s long term financial performance and its relationship between the company’s CSR and their revenue. These factors include a company’s CSP (Corporate Social Performance, or the measure of CSR), size, risk taken, economic scaling, and competition. However, there are several add itional variables that are commonly forgotten and must be considered when calculating the effect a company’s CSR has on their financial situation. RD for example has a major impact on a company’s long term economic performance, as it leads to improved knowledge and increased ingenuity on the company’s operations and products. Positive returns on RD investments can lead to increased shareholder returns and increased profits. Industry advertising intensity is also a variable that is often omitted, but must be included in this calculation. This accounts for any industry entry barriers. These barriers are industry-wide and may cause an increase in a company’s revenue. When RD and advertising intensity are left out of the equation, then the positive effect of the company’s CSR will be greatly exaggerated. In 2000, researchers Abigail Williams and Donald Siegel entered each of these variables into anShow MoreRelatedTypes Of Corporate Social Responsibil ity1539 Words  | 7 PagesOwning a business used to mean that a when company provided a good or service to a consumer it received a profit in return. Owning a business has developed into a greater thing then the cut and dry definition previously mentioned. Society’s desires have changed with the times, and it burdens businesses to accept more social responsibility for the cost of doing business. In order for a business to continue to be successful in this rapidly changing business world it must accept the changes of corporateRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility As Corporate Citizenship1417 Words  | 6 Pagescompetitive advantage can be obtained from intertwining social, as well as, environmental considerations into business from the very beginning. Through this process, businesses can come up with the next generation of ideas, employees and markets. Therefore, corporate social responsibility is a commitment to improve public welfare through flexible business pr actices, along with contributions of corporate resources. Corporate social responsibility is all about ethical values and acquiescence with legalRead MoreArguments for and Against Corporate Social Responsibility1004 Words  | 5 PagesWhat is corporate social responsibility? Give arguments for and against social responsibility? Ans. Social Responsibility Social responsibility can be defined as: â€Å"A business’s obligation to follow goals that are good for both organization and society in the long-term, and are not required by law.†Corporate Social Responsibility The term corporate social responsibility came in to common use in the early 1970s. It means the duty of an organization towards society in order to prove itselfRead MoreThe Problems of Social Responsibility1350 Words  | 5 Pages1. INTRODUCTION Combine Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) into strategic management is making and increase profit to a companys business. In recent year, the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has gradually become a very concern to industries. Hence, there have been gradually increasing tensions with many companies and increase the responsibility of managers try to carry out Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to society. In fact, managers should be having knowledge and understandingRead MoreThe Friedman Doctrine And Social Responsibility1276 Words  | 6 PagesTaking a share holder approach to social responsibility, Milton Friedman views shareholders as the economic engine of the organization and the only group a firm must be socially responsible to. For the risk taken by investing in the firm, Friedman says the goal of the firm is to maximize profits and return portions of those profits to shareholders. Because a firms’ only concern is to increase profits for them selves and shareholder, they have not social responsibility to the public or society. The shareholderRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility : Business Communication And Technology835 Words  | 4 Pages Corporate Social Responsibility Business Communication and Technology Due Date: 29th August Teacher: RYANCL Form: 11O â€Æ' Table of Contents Corporate Social Responsibility 2 Introduction 2 Legal Requirements 2 Drawbacks/Disadvantages 2 Industry Example – Carnival Australia 3 Conclusion 4 Recommendations 4 Reference List 5 Appendix 1 6 Appendix 2 7 â€Æ' Corporate Social Responsibility Introduction What is Corporate Social Responsibility? The responsibilities a business has to the environment, societyRead MoreEssay on managerial ehics1410 Words  | 6 PagesComplete Discussion Questions 3, 4, and 5 on page 27 of Business and Society. 3. Identify and explain the major factors in the social environment that create an atmosphere in which business criticism takes place and prospers. How are the factors related to one another? Has the revolution of rising expectations run its course? Or is it still a vital reality? Affluence refers to the level of wealth, and standard of living of the society. As the standard of living is increasing every year, peopleRead MoreSocial Responsibility And Business Ethics Essay1470 Words  | 6 Pagesrole of social responsibility in business organizations and society. This paper will compare similarities and differences between Cohen’s perspective on social responsibility to the social responsibility and business ethics theories of Drucker and Milton Friedman. Furthermore, this paper will provide a frame of reference on corporate social responsibility and business ethics presented in other research. Social Responsibility Defined Cohen, 2009 wrote in his article that Drucker defined social responsibilityRead MoreSocial Responsibility Of Marketing : Does It Work?1640 Words  | 7 Pages Social Responsibility in Marketing: Does It Work? Amita Bajwa, Paulette Brown, Eric Burke, Sheron Curtis-Stokes, Raychale Dukeman, Jon Reed Kennesaw State University – Ruby C68 May 21, 2017 Socially responsible marketing is a marketing philosophy where a business considers what is in the best interest of society in the present and long term (DeWitt Dahlin, 2009). Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is not new to business or society atRead MoreThe Concept Of Corporate Social Responsibility Essay1696 Words  | 7 PagesConcept of Corporate Social Responsibility According to Pearce Robinson (2014), corporate social responsibility (CSR) is â€Å"the idea that business has a duty to serve society in general as well as the financial interests of stockholders.†(P.56) The concept of corporate social responsibility of the business operation must comply with sustainable development idea; the company should not only consider its own financial and operating conditions, but also think of its impacts on the social and environment
Project Management Adaptation Software Industry
Question: Describe about the Project Management for Adaptation Software Industry. Answer: Introduction The government over the last few years has made efforts and used its inspirations from the software industry and adapted to agile approaches of project management and software development works. Agile is the new way to work efficiently and effectively and efficient professionals are helping agencies all across the US to implement practices of agile nature. Agile concepts are even being used in relation to stakeholders and government leaders and reports has been published regarding the success. Agencies and programs today are striving to expand their work methodologies to agile management techniques so as to get better outcomes. Such changes in administrative departments making operational technique solidified with agile process will help strengthen the managerial programs in present times and for the future. Leaders of agencies must by all means leverage on the principles and implementations of agile management to help gain progress in IT and other program deliverables. By breaking up the large scale government processes into small iterative simple components involving the primary stakeholders one can improve the solution providing quality. All process involved are hence accelerated. Continuous deliverables help gain a competitive advantage and feedback from stakeholders help make services better in their work in progress stage thus lowering risks arising from its implementations (Chenok, 2016). From the real life scenario there has been many scenarios where one can witness that the Healthcare government undergoing failures as it adopted a traditional method of work where a stage of work is completed totally and then one moves to another stage. It is unlike the agile approach where a stage of work has small iterations and testing all throughout its development phase. It is evident how agile actually makes work more efficient and fast (DePillis, 2013). Differences between Traditional Project Management and Agile Project Management According to experts, there is a strong difference between the traditional and agile project management approaches. The traditional approach primarily focuses on sticking to the scope of the project and ignores everything outside the scope of the project. On the other hand, the agile approach focuses on the business need of the customer as compared to the scope of the project (Ullah, 2014). Furthermore, the agile framework views a change as an excellent way to evolve and develops the project the way it proceeds; however, the traditional approach tends to stick to the scope and does not want to break the rules or evolve the project over time. Along with this, it is noted that the Agile Approach includes a number of important principles in order to evolve a project such as the MoSCoW Principle. However, the traditional approach has failed to do so (Salameh, 2014). Apart from this, it has been recorded that the project managers of the previous generation tend to stick to the Traditional Approach; however, the new generation has been laying an increasing amount of focus on the new methods of project management which includes Agile primarily. The approach is being adopted by an increasing number of businesses over time (Awad, 2005). Critical Time Path Issues for Traditional Project Management in Government-driven large scale IT Projects? For all ages running organizations and managing them is a process of evaluation. Over decades these techniques and processes have undergone structural transformations. Today from functional management infrastructure, organizations has shifted to project based approach. As a result of this, project management needs in public as well as in the private sectors is witnessing a growing demand. Irrespective of what the type of business is or what the domain of an agency is, structural changes in managerial process is witnessed everywhere over the last three decades. The federal government undergoes a large job of managing its daily operations and delivering wide scale public services under all kind of circumstances. Large IT projects driven by the government in many sector uses traditional means of management. The government does not just manage their routine works of programs which are ongoing but also ventures new, large and intricate efforts for creating new services and products. Such programs need a rapid adaptation with changing external environments. Factors like technology changing at a rapid speed, changes happening in preferences of consumers and the need to use less resources drive such strategic operations of the government. Although effective managerial techniques are used, project managers face several critical time path issues in the large IT projects they develop under government undertakings. Such weaknesses and issues has been a concern for years. Studies has been made to address the efforts made in project management for improving acquisitions of the federal government in various IT sectors. A study made in the year 2008 focusing itself on issues of project management made by the Council for Excellence in the government showcases the primary concerns and challenges (Marshall, 2015) which are summarized below:- CPM technique failures - A method called the critical path method is widely used by project managers. By critical path is meant all the tasks involved in a project which helps determine the end date of the project being delivered. Any of the tasks if gets postponed or delayed for some reason, it signifies that the project completion day also delays for an equivalent time. Many times tasks are not included under the critical path. This can be a result of poor or slack in management techniques. This can lead to unnecessary delays (Makar, 2009). Inadequate addresses of law The design of project management is such that it aligns functions which are diversified and also aligns stakeholders to meet the final project goals. This way of organizing work works opposite to the fragmented sectors of the federal government. An example of this is the trials made by the government to strengthen managerial programs by making individual functions strong, For this several executive positions are created. Although officers are there at the senior level who understands the value of this but there is none to promote it. Padding deliberately The concept of deliberate padding is witnessed in scenarios when layers of management increases the scope of work even when the estimated for the total work completion time has been done previously. This occurs when managers feel the requirement to protect their own performance outcomes. There is a difference in between estimates and commitment. Hence, in some scenarios estimates are padded deliberately by managers so that they do not fail in delivering committed results. Syndrome of student - The syndrome of student is witnessed many times. It is when deliberately work is put off till the last moment. This involves longer durations than estimated since time is lost as work is not started in time. This is where the Murphy s Law sets in and makes it even longer due to special cause variation in processes or common causes variations. Poor multitasking Even individuals working in the team of these large projects work in more than one project then it is a case of multitasking. There is no harm in multitasking. But often individuals face issues related to this . Sometimes before one work is finished the person moves on to the other leaving the previous one unfinished. This is an example of poor multitasking at work place. Lack of professional community Teams working in projects in managerial roles work in isolation relatively. They mostly are not aware about their colleagues present within the agencies. There is no practical process to communicate and discuss with them issues and policies. There is also no way they can participate in group discussions of government agencies or policies which has an effect on the project management within government sector. Hence such a lack of communication or community hinders the overall building up of project management capabilities in government sectors. Law of Parkinsons As per this law work involved in a project tends to increase as per the time needed to complete it (Shurrab, 2015). While planning and execution technology related projects it is extremely important for the team to anticipate and analyze what are the risks associated with the work. The project management integrator is the primary person who does such speculations and also has the knowledge to mitigate such risks. Risk management techniques like analysis risk matrices the team can devise a better plan and execute in inside the team. Issues which are common to such projects and which keep arising frequently can easily be anticipated by the integrator of project management. Hence in a timely manner they can deal with these potential risks, confront methodically, track and solve all issues with the help of frequent team meetings and in-depth documentations (Goodman, 2009) . The success of implementation of policies depends how thorough the planning process is. Only a team where through proper program management goals, process, people and technology are tracked and organized is successful. The project management staff must be involved various planning initiatives as they can help make sure the feasibility of goals and address requirements needed for the success of programs and policies. Traditional management techniques still today has a lot of concerns and hence measures are taken to overcome them and streamline work process in new methods like agile management techniques. How do government employed / department employed IT Project people view the Private Sector? Is there an appetite to partner alongside industry people or do Government IT workers prefer to work with their own kind? Government employees are employed in the public sector thus are controlled by national, state or local governments. The public sector usually comprises of industries, organizations and companies owned by the government and only exists to offer and deliver services to the general masses with no intent whatsoever to make profit. Different governments have different ways and means of funding their projects through revenue generated, taxes and levies collected, public auctions etc. The public sector tends to employ its workers through the national, state or local government by recruiting employees into civil service duties in various government institutions and establishments. Typical civil service institutions are the health sector, armed forces, education and vocational institutions, emergency services and city council duties. These employees are paid by the Federal government through the proper channels but from a portion of the tax payers money. The private sector is the part of the economy run by individuals and corporations with a sole intent of making profit. It is also referred to as the citizen sector because this sector is not run by the government for the people rather by the people for profits. Businesses in the private sector tend to push prices of commodities down so that it can attract more customers. Ideally, customers will not pay more for goods and services they can procure at a cheaper price from competitors. The private sector sources its employees through nongovernmental agencies, individual business owners, corporations and recruitment agencies. Jobs offered by the private sector include but are not limited to banking services, law firms, agriculture, retail stores management and other nongovernmental institutionalized jobs. Workers in the private sector are paid salaries with part of the companys profits. There have been discussions on who offers better paying jobs and livelihood security between the public sector and the private sector for as long as people started working for both entities. This debate will not quell soon because it is arguably not possible to have an apple-to-apple comparison between employment benefits in the public and private sector. This is because, the projects/jobs and environmental factors are quite different in both public and private sectors. In light of government IT projects employees and how they view the private IT sector; they would rather remain attached to the public sector rather than risk it out in the private sector. Study has shown that even though government jobs are often seen as underpaying and demeaning, they come with a series of benefits that workers in the private sector would never receive in their entire work life. Several studies have shown that federal and local government employees earn more than their counterparts in the private sector. This is after a critical analysis of the average wages and benefits in both the private and public sectors. Relying on the most recent findings and conclusions of Employer Costs for Employee Compensation survey, from the U.S. Bureau of Labour Statistics, employees of the state and local governments earn an average of $39.60 per hour, compared to $27.42 per hour for the private sector workers. This represents a 44% difference including 35% and 69% greater wages and benefits respectively. Basing on wages and benefits alone, the government IT project employees would rather stick working for the public sector so that they enjoy more benefits. However, a new study showed that government employees both at local and state levels are highly educated, qualified and better experienced than those in the private sector thus its just natural that they should earn more. So what would keep them working for the government and not have any appetite whatsoever to partner with their industrial partners? The industrial partners/private sector workers have greater work opportunities to get promoted, more than enough career choices and better pay increment. However, they also have; less job security, fewer benefit plans, less vacations and no security of tenure. Workers in the private sector face a lot of market pressure due to working in a very competitive marketplace. This would also call for longer working hours for the employees so that they can keep their organization competitive in the market. On the other hand, the public sector/government workers enjoy much more benefits including and not limited to better comprehensive benefit plans, guaranteed job security, guaranteed work leaves (maternal and paternal), vacations among others. Public sector workers also enjoy the fact that many government jobs lead to permanent appointment to various positions. In addition to that, a public sector worker can move from one position to the other while maintaining his/her comprehensive benefits, vacation entitlement, sick leave pay among other benefits applicable. However, public sector employees find it difficult to secure job promotion and pay increases. This is countered by having a stable and market pressure-free working environment. In light of partnering with the private sector, government employees would rather not partner with the private sector. A study by the U.S. Bureau of Labour Statistics showed that private sector workers worked an average of 2,050 hours as compared to 1,825 hours of work by an average government/public sector worker. This shows that the level of productivity differs between the two economic sectors. This is necessarily not reflected by the wages and benefits each type of worker receives. A private sector worker has to put in more hours because if he/she doesnt, the competition will catch up. On the other hand, a private sector employer will not pay as much as the government because he/she needs to maximize profits. However, the government worker does not have much competition and the government can afford to pay high salaries and benefits thus the productivity drags along. For the above reasons, the government IT project employees would rather work with their own kind than partner or move to the private sector. Furthermore, the government/public sector has projects flowing in day after day; therefore its nearly impossible to have its employees laid off. When government IT projects become Public / Private Partnerships is it an even distribution of work between the public sector and the private sector? In an infrastructure, PPPs or public private partnerships signifies a contract in between a government body and any entity belonging to the private sector which needs a private partner for the delivery of services and associated risks. The administrative and financial burden of the government is hence eliminated for providing such services yet, retaining a crucial role in the tracking, monitoring and regulating performances of its privatized partner. Initially, the popularity of public private partnerships started when the government required meeting the ever increasing demands for expansions and the rehab of various infrastructures like roads, water, energy facilities and networks of sanitation. The PPP tool has to meet its various requirements to the citizens. Expertise of the privatized sector and latest technology can now be availed by the government without any strain on them due to their restricted budgets. As a result of this citizens get better delivery of services without any enhancement in the taxation prices, Sometimes even user fees are decreased and there is flourishing in the economic growth in various sectors competing for lucrative contracts of PPP. The experience of work happening in such public private partnership firms is varied. The distribution of work is not even in this. The model is showing a growing acceptance and is improving and expanding in all lives involving public sector, government and ICT resources. Two crucial questions come up while assessing PPP projects. One whether the private sector will be able to continue financing various capital investments needed for designing, installing and operating government based big IT projects like e-government or an ICT project. If they can afford to finance it. Whether the public sector financing systems and operations will prefer to accept it for those projects whose social returns are high. The second crucial assessment is to find whether it is possible for the private sector to manage IT government projects and operate it under the regulations and supervisions of the government in an efficient manner. If they can, then how will the government gain to fetch highest bids in the competitive market so that these IT projects reap the best possible value and innovations (InfoDev, 2009). A question also arises why the government will go for private infrastructure financing. Infrastructure works, development and strategies of private sector is much more organized, fast paced and customer driven for the private sector. Previously the government used to finance infrastructure solely. The government was in responsibility for its operations, implementations and maintenances. However, with time they realized that there can be better ways to execute such projects and the process used currently are not the best efficient. Such a realisation was considered due to the factors like cost effectiveness, considerations of equity, fiscal prudence and allocative efficiencies. Based on these the government made much effort for creating the best environment for sustenance. The importance for having an adequate effective infrastructural services are realized because there has been failures in the implementations of the public based operational services. Countries often face fiscal cons traints due to negligence in maintaining infrastructures. Thus, this increasing awareness made the government transfer to public private partnership for resources (Ailemen, 2014). One of the most common procurement strategies is developing infrastructure project using privatized capital with the help of PPP routes. In developing countries the adoption of such techniques is high (Alfen, 2009). Financial crisis faced by countries developing is the reason for the interest towards PPP renewed. Here is a summary of the reasons why there is a shift to PPP by the government:- Exploring public private partnership is helpful as the government can use technology from private sector and make innovations in making public services better with the help of operational efficiencies. The private sector can also help deliver services in time and inside fixed budget The Budgets present and future infrastructure project costs are taken into account and then a strategic plan is made in the private sector. The PPP is pulling capabilities from privatized sectors to joint venture projects with the government where large firms of international standards gives opportunities of sub contracts to local firms. These can be electrical works, civil works, security services, facilities management, cleaning and maintenance. This is also a way in which state is gradually being exposed towards ownership enterprises. The participation of the government to PPP is increasing. Skill transfer of such nature is also focusing to develop national champion s which runs as per their own operations on a professional level. This eventually helps exporting capabilities needed to bid projects under joint venture. With this personification is also created in an economy where a country is in a better competitive terms in facilitating its infrastructural base. It also helps boost business and industries which are associated with development of infrastructure. The capacities of public sector are limited and the PPP helps supplementing it for meeting the increased demands of infrastructure developments. The long term value for finances is extracted with risks appropriate for transfer to privatized sector for projects related to design, constructions, operations or maintenances (PPPIRC, 2006). Some significant weaknesses of the model are :- Work efficiency is always a challenge in such models. Supervision from public sector and execution of work in private sometimes causes collisions. For example if product deliverables delay, cost estimates increase or if defects are found in the techniques then all the burden has to be taken by the private public partnership firms If the services promised by the public private partnerships are not met, then their availability becomes risky. For an instance not meeting safety standards in schools, prison and hospital works. Some of such demand risks occur when the number of users expected from such an infrastructure is much higher than what is actually. Bridges, tunnels, toll roads are examples where such scenarios are common. Here the private partner agrees for paying a minimum fee irrespective of the expectations met or not. Hence the risk is on the shoulders of the partner. From suggestions of the past it can be said that implementing a best practice of division of work is difficult to be achieved. The emergence of new PPP models of hybrid nature with the help of the international aids and government reforms, the effect on the users can be significant (Pessoa, 2008). What works best Public Sector (Govt) Project Management control or Private Sector (Industry) Agile Project Management A careful understanding of the project management operations by both Private and Public project management industries will clearly cite which industry is better with Agile Project management. The amount of money that can be wasted on a project is quite different in public project management than in private agile project management. The amount of money that the Private sector can invest is dependent on the funds they can raise for it. In case the private company spends money on a project that does not bear fruit, the stock prices for it would collapse and issuing new debt would become difficult. The characteristics of the free market is such that it would cause a company, that is badly managing its projects to become bankrupt ensuring no further loss is incurred. The government does not face such limitations. If the government mismanaged any project their ability to raise funds are much higher. They can meet the shortages through a number of means such as raise the taxes, issuing unlimited new debt, therefore the chances of failed project risks in public sector is much higher than private sector. The main reason being, the public project management does not face any threat to bankruptcy as opposed to private sector therefore they keep pumping in money and end up critical losses. Considering the following examples would serve as evidence to the above statement. The FAA, while rewriting a control tower air traffic control software lost close to $1 billion and the FBI lost $1 billion while rewriting internal records management software. Furthermore a partnership between the Federal and the state is even more risky. Examples of such partnerships is the Big Dig in Boston and the Bay Bridge reconstruction between San Francisco and Oakland. Both the se projects superseded their budget by billions of dollars (Krock, 2011). Agile practices in the public sector is a big failure. The Cabinet Office may think that Agile will decrease the ICT project risk, however, practically that is not the case. Recalling the court battles of BskyB v EDS and De Beers v Atos Origin was a proof of how incredibly wrong an agile project in the public sector can go wrong. The method of Agile management for IT projects is expected to provide flexibility in iterations. Customers are supposed to be involved more directly than traditional methodology, all this shows that the ultimate result of a project develops eventually. It also means that a fixed amount is not paid by the customers for any project, but these are the very drawbacks of Agile. Roles and requirements are not clearly defined. Those who advocate Agile say that traditional method of project control management are unrealistic. They are of the view that pre-planned project does not accommodate changes therefore it is unable to to fulfil requirements. Agile may work for reducing risks in private project management failure but the chances of it are frail in government ICTs. There are four main reasons why Agile will not be appropriate for Government ICTs. The main reason being Agile does not provide upfront information on costs and government customers would always like to know the costs involved. Secondly, you pay a particular amount for a set amount of effort however Agile does not ensure a set amount of effort for a set amount of money. Thirdly, according to Agile policies the amount for materials and charges for time must be kept open, however, government agencies follow a strict budgetary policy and each of those policies must be approved. Therefore governmental departments may not be comfortable with Agile arrangements. Fourthly, under agile there are no clear cut specifications on output. Giving an exact costing is also not entirely possible under agile. In the case of Government, they legally follow open procurement legislations. In addition to the above problems there is a greater risk for the government to find remedies for failed Agile projects. Any failure in government projects immediately come under the limelight of the media, National Audit and the Public accounts committee who would not spare such mishaps. Therefore, observing the flip side to Agile project management in Public sector the verdict is clear, Private sectors perform better with Agile Project Management Control than Public sectors. (Ballard, 2011) Can Public and Private elements work together in a harmonious manner? - or do they simply tolerate each other? Even though private and public sector must work in collaboration for the betterment of the society and the economy, in most societies, they come together out of no other choice but to work in peace to benefit themselves. Some of the activities they work together for are roads and infrastructure, healthcare system and many more joint ventures The reasons why these two sectors function are for a completely different reason. Their motives and forms of functioning are very divergent. One works towards effectiveness while the other for profit; thus the quality of service would equally differ from superior service environment to inferior service environment. One of the major advantages of a Private-Public Partnership is seen in the mental health care department, especially in the psychiatric department where the management of patients and effective organisation of service is vital. However there seems to be a number of reasons for their inability to work together. In order to understand the barriers to collaboration, an investigation was undertaken. According to the examination, a questionnaire consisting the above concerns were sent to all public sector mental health clinicians and private sector psychiatrists in a particular area. About 105 out of 154 public sector clinicians and 103 out of 194 private sector psychiatrist pa rticipated in the questionnaire. Approximately 71. 4% public sector clinicians and 72% private sector psychiatrists said that the main problem faced by them in mutually working together was communication gap. 66% private sector workers said that there was ambiguity in the roles and responsibilities, as opposed to 62.9% public sector clinicians and about 47.6% of public clinicians and 45.6% private sector psychiatrists said that they differed in the approach to treatments. Above 60% of private sector psychiatrists mentioned that there was a huge barrier to to accessing public systems. The study also showed a hypothesized view that the two sectors seem to handle different kind of patient population and the public sector clinicians are not as expert as private psychiatrists are. Private sectors are profit driven. They seek to make money therefore the quality of infrastructure they provide are of superior standard as compared to public sectors. For example: A private hospital is cleaner and provides better facilities and internationally educated doctors but public sectors are performance driven. They seek to help the general public with little or no focus on gain. Though they may not have highly equipped services or great infrastructure but they provide superior quality services at no price or subsidiary rates. Public hospitals have more specialised but locally trained doctors (Purvis, 2014). Private sectors need the help of public sectors for regulatory policies. The private sectors are extremely profit driven therefore if the government does not limit their pricing through regulations and pricing limits then the private sector can sell important services or goods at exorbitant prices that are very important to the people such as medicines. However, not all private sector companies are bad or unscrupulously makes money out of exploiting people. There are private companies that are serving people in a much better and cost effective way than the government. The private sector finances, builds and operates on behalf of the public sector in some areas. The private sector is then repaid through charges received from public services or public authorities and sometimes by both the sources (Hall, 2015). Due to global crisis governments are seeking the support of private sectors and it has been a popular phenomenon and is an ongoing discussion at United Nations for Sustainable Development goals and also link finances for development. If considerable development takes place then privatisation will become a part of UN Policies, however is privatisation such a good thing? Are the public sectors doing this willingly or do they have no other alternatives? Studies show that under no plausible circumstances is the private-public collaboration feasible. They tolerate each other because without each other they cannot move forward. The problem for private sector however is they operate out of greed. With the passing of time the pressure of debts on public sectors have gone up which has caused the need for collaboration. Even though theoretically the public sectors must regulate the private sector practices and financial aspects, can they practically have any control over their operations since they need the help of the private sector? There are plenty of loopholes, there are no real public consultations, they make too many false promises, practices bribery and complex agreements to protect corporate profits. Even though Private- Public collaboration may benefit the economy of a country it can also exploit its citizens therefore it is important that proper regulations and the terms for agreement is clearly discussed and formulated in order to avoid conspicuous money making schemes by the private sectors as well as any lobbying in the public sector. Public private collaboration are beneficial and the two can work to fulfill a greater responsibility towards the society through their cooperative functions. Some of the areas that they can work together are healthcare sectors, roads and infrastructure and transport facilities. A collaboration will ensure superior services and products which will not be highly priced because there will be guidelines provided by the government to function in a manner that does not exploit the public. While there are advantages to Public-Private collaboration, their networking campaigns are facing a huge backlash from a number of NGOs in various countries as well as globally and on national levels. Many who advocate PPP says that costs for the government comes down and the savings can be spent on developing other areas whereas in reality there is no savings. The government is expected to pay for the constructions and the service operation costs. Conventional public sector projects cost much lower than PPP projects because the capital costs are higher and private sectors charge the people a much higher price due to monopoly of services. Furthermore the concept of risk transfers is used by the advocates of PPP, however there is a cost for risk transfers. It costs 25% more than traditional contracts. Therefore the collaboration may not be as beneficial as it may seem. In conclusion, there are a number of areas that causes barriers in Public-Private collaboration which can be dealt with only with systematic changes in the way they provide services while both sectors need a cultural shift. A need for increased communication between the two sectors are essential in order to remove any communication barrier between the two. These meetings can be formal or informal and help them to compliment each other. Even though there are a number of ways to work harmoniously together, the private and public sector to come together are more of a need than a luxury. Inasmuch as they do not like to work together, their need to work together may become necessary at times (Department of Psychiatry, 2005). Conclusion After a detailed analysis of the answers provided to each of the questions, it can be concluded that the Agile Project Management Approach is indeed among the primary methods used in the organizations today. With the changing business environment and the growing needs of organizations, the agile approach has been successful in catering to the needs of the businesses in a much more effective manner as compared to the traditional approach that focuses on the objectives of the project and unlike Agile Approach does not understand the business needs of a customer or looks towards growing the same. It has also been understood that the individuals who work on the traditional approach once, face obstacles in transforming their frame of mind and incorporating the factors proposed by the agile approach. In such scenarios, it has been recorded that agile approaches have largely been adopted by the new generation. Although Private sector and Public sector individuals have their own set of problems, however, they have been able to work together when the situation arises and they do not have a solution. Furthermore, it can be stated that since the Public sector is bound largely by the limitations of resources or funds, it is able to function better with the Agile Project Management Approach as compared to the Private sector that may collapse in case a project is not successful. Apart from this, it has been noted that the government sector has consistently been complaining of critical time path issues and the inability to manage projects within the time frame set. For such purposes, the need for evolution and integration of the new project management approaches may seem to be a good idea for the purpose of resolving time management issues. Lastly, the PPP projects have encountered a number of issues in the past and consistent efforts are being undertaken to ensure that the private and public sectors are able to collaborate and work efficiently on a particular project. References H.W. 92009). Public-Private Partnership in Infrastructure Development . 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Thursday, April 23, 2020
Winnicott an Example by
Winnicott On the first hand, the good-enough mother, who gets a deep insight of and reacts to the infant's unexpected behavior (nonverbal communication, primitive communication), supports fragile ego of her child which represents the power important for adequate self-esteem and confidence. On the second hand, the not good-enough mother, fails to recognize and respond to such expressions. Thus, she subjects the infant to her own demands, needs, and interests. It leads to the situation when the child is has to comply with the mother's needs and visa versa. Winnicott has named this obedience the false self. Thus, the kid is placed in a situation which limits its ability to create symbols. The result is that "the infant remains isolated. But in practice the infant lives, but lives falsely." (Williamson 15). Need essay sample on "Winnicott" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Throughout the false self that the child creates an artificial set of human attitudes and relationships. A positive side of the false self is that it conceals the true self's obedience with environmental needs. Thus conformity and the lack of spontaneous behavior become the essential feature in the childs living experience. Thats why, the false self can be perceived as a protection against the use of the true self which is believed to result in its total destruction. Our Customers Frequently Tell EssayLab writers:How much do I have to pay someone to write my essay online?Essay writers propose:Get The Best Writing Essays Ever In TimeCheap Essay Help Review Essays For Money Best Essay Writing Service Cheap Custom Writing Service According to Winnicott, typical mothers are characterized with holding behavior which is the creation of such an environment of overprotection and maternal preoccupation of which the child is not aware. The sooner the mother gives to her infant more space for moving, acting, and thinking, the sooner the infant will start gaining useful and practical knowledge and learn from experience. In case if such a holding behavior is completely absent, the infant may become traumatized and depressed since his desires are not fulfilled and therefore he feels ignored. (Williamson 31). While doing some shopping in the downtown I kept observing couples with kids and families who came to the mall to pick up some groceries, clothes, etc. I noticed a couple of different instances that brought me to shocking condition as I have never seen it before. First couple was looking for some nice couch to buy when their 3-year-old kid decided to try closely located king-size bed. He was holding a toy in his hand, but he dropped it when climbing up the bed. So he started screaming, whining, crying, until someone responded. He got so worked up that he screamed and cried until choking. His mother ran up to him trying to find the toy immediately and give it back to him. When the kid got his toy he played with it for a while and then dropped it again screaming the I want my car back over and over again. When this happened for the second time the father of the infant stopped his wife from helping the child and let him scream until he became silent and calm because of tiredness. This is a vivid example of a holding behavior aimed at protecting the child from any negative external factors. However, when the kid is put face to face with the reality, he fails to cope with even minor problems due to the fact that he was so overly protected in his early childhood. This situation showed typical maternal behavior that was rather logical at the beginning. But after the child dropped the toy for the second time his mother shouldnt have helped him showing her authority and power and clear awareness that it was done on purpose in order to attract attention of others. The second example of a holding behavior and as a consequence not good-enough mother was when a child wanted to step into the mini-pool with warm water but his mother prohibited him from doing this in front of many people. I consider such behavior very inadequate since such child need has nothing to do with impoliteness or rudeness. If the child walked a bit in the pool he would disturb no one besides his mothers consciousness and way of thinking. In fact, this situation will even bring happiness to both the child and the audience (people who were doing shopping at that time). Parents should point out their goals for their children right in front of them. Not only must they explain what is going on, but they also must congratulate and encourage them in the many small commitment they make to getting to the final destination. (Williamson 91). The typical mistake that not good-enough mothers make as they learn how to handle disobedient children, is that they concentrate on the purpose itself which can easily distract them. Due to the fact of the long-term nature of children training, a parent's attention must always be paid to the process itself not to the problems that they are trying to solve. Another instance that I was facing is that the family was just about to pray before eating their dinner (it was at my friends place), but all of a sudden they heard some noise and saw their two small daughters running down the stairs to join the family for the dinner prayer. To my greatest surprise, children were neither punished nor criticized for their behavior since the main goal of their action was positive and very important. None of the parents screamed or shouted at them, none of them said anything about childrens behavior which served as a very good example for good-enough parents. Works Cited Williamson, Michael. Winnicott And His Attitudes. New York: Pocket Books, 1998.
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